
done list

Ok, lately i have been making tons of "to do lists"...This is my "done list" random things that have been going on in the Johnson house.

We keep attempting to do our taxes but it keeps saying either the gov. owes us 11,000 or we owe them 4,000. I am waiting for the tax fairy to take care of it for me.

Hendrix has learned that if he is in his kennel and doesn't want to be all he has to do is force himself to throw up and i immediately take him out to scrub it down. Fun.

After our trip to the Dominican Republic I am determined to travel the world. Ireland, Greece, Spain, Austraila...just to name a few.

Day trips to St. George eventually get overrated.

Golf season has started, see you in a few months Josh.

Everyday something reminds me why having kids right now would be crazy and i'm glad I can run to target without having to unload a stroller and all that fun stuff. ( No offense moms, i will join one day.)

If the seat belt chime won't turn off it is annoying enough to make you want to crash your car. (Josh made me learn how to jump my car) And i don't comprehend how turning it off cost me $117!!!!!

Sometimes I am very tired when I get off of work and accidentally park in the wrong stall. Sorry #36, if your reading this thanks for the awesome hate note on my car!!!! I did it on purpose just to drive you CRAZY!!!

Vogue magazines keep coming in my mail and I did not order them. If they are going to make a mistake at least send me something better then VOGUE.

Never cut past your second knuckle. Ouch.

And My purse is so heavy I think it is giving me shoulder problems.

I bought New moon Saturday night and watched it twice in 24 hours. I still can't decide which team to join!!!

Sorry if this whole thing sounded totally negative, but trust me it wasn't intended to be. Through all of our crazy moments I am reminded everyday how boring my life would be without them. I love my life and am so glad that nothing on my list contained death or illness. I feel so excited for the rest of 2010 and what it will bring!!