Ok besides being SUPER excited for the new season of the office, I have done something HUGE. Ok maybe it's not huge to some people but...I have officially de-activated my Facebook. I know I can't believe I did it either. I was laying in bed the other night trying to figure out how I can get more done in a day. Well even though I didn't want to admit it I knew. I spend at least 1 hour a day on Facebook (sometimes more). Not only is it saved under my favorite sites on my mac but I have Facebook on my phone!!! Needless to say I can't believe how much of a time waster it is. The other night I was watching one of Josh's shows with him and he mentioned how I wouldn't be sitting with him if I had Facebook. Sad. Even my significant other recognizes my time waster. There are MANY positive things about Facebook. But for me it is getting it the way. I am going on two weeks with no Facebook and can I just say how spectacular it feels!! I am not going to lie I might re-activate it...one day. But right now I am loving not feeling a slave to status updates and knowing what is going on with everyones day!! Now all of my real friends can read my much more personal blog!!!