
18 weeks

Yesterday I hit my 18 week mark!!  Some days I think
it goes by way to fast, sometimes way to slow.
My dreams have been so odd.
I had a dream last week that the doctor handed me my baby
and it was a black baby.  (this is not racist, but if you haven't
noticed Josh and I aren't black)
I'm pretty confident I don't have to worry about that.
I have dreams that it comes out 3 years old. 

Before yesterday I had thought I had felt the baby kick or
nudge me.  I was laying in bed and oh my goodness
it kicked moved and cartwheeled in my stomach.  It
went on for about 30 seconds and I literally turned
to Hendrix and said oh my gosh did you feel that?

This is a pretty goofy belly picture but all my pregnancy apps 
keep reminding me I should take them.
I don't feel like I'm popping out quite yet but there is 
definitely a bump there.  My book says my uterus is
about the size of a cantaloupe now.

Well that's all, now I am craving cantaloupe.


My dog the magician

After this week I'm considering changing Hendrix name to

Somehow this clever little dog is getting out of his kennel.
He must have watched us lock him in so many times he mastered it himself.

Three times this week we have gotten home to this puppy just
hanging by himself.
Saturday night at 10:30 we were watching TV and Hendrix was in
his kennel for the night.  I heard loud sniffing at Hendrix door.  
I walked in to find this.  A dog that knew he was is serious trouble and
a vacuum cord shredded into pieces.  

He's lucky I love him so much.

My worst enemy

I have always hated cleaning the bath tub.  I dread cleaning it, in fact
on more than one occasion I have paid my brother to clean it.

Today I solved my problem.  I was organizing my cleaning closet 
and found this....

I must have bought it along time ago and forgot about it.  My friends
I am not exaggerating how amazing this little miracle is.  I actually cleaned the 
tub, walls, shampoo holder, and faucet in ten minutes with ease.

All you do is run it under water and then wring it out and scrub.  No nasty chemicals, it has febreeze so it actually smelled good!!  I haven't cleaned my shower in a couple months because since I've been pregnant that is the last battle I want to fight but I'm excited to clean it again!
I called Josh and he probably though I had won a million dollars because I was so excited!!!

I had to share this with my fellow bloggers, whether you hate cleaning the shower or not this will save you so much time and headache!!!

Happy cleaning :)


17 week update

All of the pregnancy website and apps I have been following
say to keep a pregnancy log.  Well as fun as writing my feelings in my phone to read is I decided I would put it on here.  I figure if anyone doesn't want to hear it, they don't have to read my blog!

I am now 17 weeks and 1 day.  This past week my stomach started poking out, but not in a cute baby bump way, it's more of a can't suck anything in anymore.  I can't wait for that cute bump dangit.

My doctor said I should be feeling this baby by now, I asked her well what the heck does it feel like?  Muscle spasm, gas, or a punch?  She told me it feels like something is tickling you from the inside.  I may have possibly felt this, I guess I'm waiting for that ah-ha moment when I know it's my babe!!

Things I miss....
Not having to eat as soon as I get up or every two hours

Only having to shave my legs once a week (instead of everyday)

Being able to where a normal bra (my aunt said to me.."aren't they like hot pokers?" YESSS!!!!)

Sleeping through the night without adjusting every ten minutes

Shopping and not worrying about whether I'll fit in it in a month

 Things I LOVE....

Hearing my baby's heart beat every 4 weeks :)

Umm...not having PERIODS!!!! 
(tmi???  like I said, you choose to read my blog)

The weight I lost in my first trimester


My ever growing nails

My pregnancy pillow

Oranges, strawberries, apples, pineapple, mango
(I have a new outlook on fruit)

Steak....only if it's burntish and roast
(I used to hate these)


Orange Juice

Going to bed at 9:00 and taking naps
(I used to think of sleep as an after thought)

Things I HATE and loved before...

Cafe rio (I literally had a hard time typing that)

Costco (the smell)



Diet coke (Don't worry I'll be back one day)

Going to movies

I'm sure I'll think of more later.  I don't want anyone to think I'm complaining.  Just Documenting.  The first two months I told Josh "I hope you only want one, I can't do this twice!!!"  But now I'm loving it, I feel great!!  

I love that all my cute clients are so excited for me and ask to be on my text list when we find out the sex.  I love my sweet husband and how patient he has been with my cravings, demands, mood swings, and making me feel cute on my chubby days.

By the way we find out the sex MAY 13TH!  I'm so nervous/excited!!

Today I bought my first maternity clothing item (such comfy leggings)
And a bottle of cocoa butter!!  Bring it on!!
Until next update!!!   (maybe I'll take a belly pic next time)