I had to check my pregnancy tracker before posting how many weeks I am.
Oh boy. Where to begin.
It's HOT.
I haven't had many cravings, but I do go back and forth between salty and sweet almost as often as I blink.
My back is killing me, I can't get comfortable at night. Even my trusty pregnancy pillow isn't working...suggestions?
I had my glucose test, the drink is not so bad it's how it makes you feel.
There are no cute affordable maternity clothes. Seriously why would I wear a shirt with "Bumpalicious" in sequins on the front. Try again.
Everything gives me heartburn.
I went swimming and kept tipping forward, it was quite a site.
My feet aren't swollen yet (thank goodness) but they are oddly radiating heat.
Everything looks great, my doctor says my weight is a little low so if I don't
start gaining faster I will have to try to gain weight (Josh rolls his eyes and says "I wish someone would give me permission to gain weight").
Speaking of Josh, aren't husbands supposed to gain weight with you? Josh has lost 17 pounds!! Way to go Joshy!
Time is flying by, I am now meeting with my Dr. every 2 weeks.
We set up the crib and now it's not just the 2nd bedroom, it's the nursery. It smells like new stuff. I walked in one morning about to go to work and I almost cried thinking in a couple months I will have a baby in here.
My little boy is kicking, hard! I love it! We went to a wedding and the band
was really loud and I swear he was dancing in there, he is so responsive to sounds. Poor Josh hasn't felt it yet because every time he is kicking hard I say hurry feel this and the baby goes to sleep. I keep telling Josh he has the ability to calm him down which will come in handy.
Hendrix and I had a long talk the other day about his new brother (don't worry Josh already claimed me insane). I don't think Hendrix is very happy that he has been relocated, he keeps sneaking into the nursery and sniffing the crib. But I know he will be so great with him. He has started laying his head on my tummy and he never used to. Josh says it's just a coincidence but I'm convinced he can hear the heart beat and is already protective of him.
The most recent belly pic I have is from 25 weeks because I've been having
a huge case of the uglies lately...
Ok I need advice....What are your experiences/opinions on pregnancy pictures?
Lame or worth it?
And what is your favorite way to get exercise during pregnancy?