
11 weeks to go!!

29 weeks already!!  Holy crap time is flying by!  Sorry for the lame
bathroom pic (I keep asking josh to take it but he said he makes fun of girls who post belly pictures.)  People keep asking me if i'm getting excited.  I usually
say YES but this week it turned into ya...but kinda nervous.  It's becoming a reality.  Many of you who know me know i'm paranoid and I over analyze everything...here are some questions i've thrown at Josh this week...

What if he comes out a girl...
What if he comes out a midget...
What if he doesn't like his name...
What color is his hair going to be...
Are you going to watch...
Do you know how to change a diaper...
Is hendrix going to be weird...
Are we going to be good parents?
What if I have him early and i'm scheduled to work...
What if I have him late and I have to take more time off and 
risk losing clients...
How much time are you taking off...
What are we going to tell our families our expectations are...

Josh doesn't comment on most of these, he just rolls his eyes.  Luckily I have such a calm husband or we would never sleep.

We have had a fun summer, trying to go out and do things as much as possible.
We went to Movie under the stars at the capitol, Lots of weddings, fireworks,
swimming, walks with hendrix, bowling, five crowns, dinner with friends and family, and LOTS of golf for Josh.  Here's to the next 11 weeks!

Oh and check out this little coat I found.  It's 12 months, he might not even wear it, but how cute is that!!!!  GO UTES!!!