I never thought the day would come that I would finally get to meet this little guy.
Introducing William David Johnson...aka Liam
Born October 6th 2011 at 2:48 p.m.
6lbs 8oz 20"
We are crazy about this guy.
Birth Story:
Josh's birthday was Wednesday the 5th so we went to the Rio Grande for dinner and called the hospital before we ate to find out what time they would be ready for us. Both of us must have been pretty nervous because we ate really fast and had 1 1/2 hours to kill before we could go in. Luckily my sister Ave lives close to LDS hospital so we went to her house and watched t.v. to pass time. At 7:30 Josh looked over and said we should probably go. I got the sickest feeling in my stomach even though I was so ready. We walked in silence into the hospital and Josh said just think when we leave we will have Liam with us. We checked in and they showed us our room, which was massive, and told me to get in my hospital gown and get comfy. At about 8:30 they gave my cytotec (a drug to help you dilate) It didn't do really do anything but the nurse assured me it would eventually. Every time I had to pee I had to call a nurse in to UN-hook me from the monitors, which was quite often since I nervously over did it on diet coke at the restaurant. Josh started chugging regular coke around 10 because he was already exhausted. They gave me another cytotec every 3 hours til finally around 4:00 a.m. my contractions hit. Talk about pain. Josh was totally freaked out seeing me in so much pain trying to breath through it. The nurse told me I could have my epidural whenever I wanted to and I told her I felt like a wimp getting it so early. So they gave me a pain killer through my i.v. and it instantly knocked me out, along with the pain, until about 5:30 when I started realizing how I never want to eat at Rio grande ever again. Chips and salsa just doesn't appeal to me in a blue plastic bag.
The contractions got worse and I caved and wanted my epidural NOW.
This part I was most nervous about and it ended up being the easiest part and the best decision I've ever made. The doc came in around 7 and said wow your dilated to a 6 and your contractions are getting really close together, she broke my water, and It shouldn't be to much longer. She was going to go assist in a surgery and to page her if anything more progressed. At 9:00ish my contractions were very close together (of course that's what the monitor said, I was feeling good!). Then all the sudden the nurse was throwing an oxygen mask on my face rolling me to my right side screaming to page my doctor and kept yelling for another doctor. Nurses were rushing in and everyone was yelling medical lingo back and forth. Josh was frantic asking what was going on, they explained the babies heart rate was really low and was dropping with every contraction. All I could think about was the blessing Josh gave me a few days before telling me to trust my doctors and nurses and the Lord would help comfort me. My nurse was measuring out some sort of goo and jabbed it right in my arm. They yanked my monitors off and started putting a tube into my uterus. I felt so useless just laying there. The tube was pumping fluids into the baby trying to stabilize him. My contractions stopped and the room calmed down alot. There were people in there I had never seen explaining to me what they were doing and why. They just let my body try to stabilize before they were going to do anything. At about 11:00 they started me on a low drip of pitocin to try to get my contractions going again. My epidural just wasn't taking the edge off as much as before so my wonderful dr came and upped my dosage. It worked, fast. My contractions started and I started feeling some pressure. At 12:00 the nurse came and check me, I was a 10 and ready to push. Slowly my quiet room was set up with blue tarps and lights and surgical trays. I pushed for 2 hours and was running out of energy, my body had had it. I heard the doctor say she isn't going to be able to push him out, she is exhausted. With the help of a vacuum and some snips Liam was born at 2:48 p.m. Josh told me when his head first came out Liam turned and looked right at him. I have never seen Josh so struck before. Childbirth is incredible. We are so glad that besides some minor bumps we are all ok and healthy. Liam is borderline jaundice but it is already showing signs of going away on it's own so thank goodness we don't need to use lights.
We are so Crazy about Liam. All I want to do is kiss his face all day long. Josh is an amazing dad and has been so hands on. He always has Liam in his arms if he is not eating. It has been so fun to watch Josh be so smitten by our little guy. He talks to him about the football games, makes fun of mom, and calls every hour to see what he is missing while he is at work. When Josh got home tonight he showered so fast and ran into the living room grabbed Liam and said It is so fun to have something to look forward to coming home to (besides me of course). I love these two boys so much I can't even explain it.
Life has changed so much (in a good way). Being a mom is hard. Nothing in life can prepare you for being a mom. I'm protective, emotional, forgetful, and paranoid to a whole new level. That being said, I am so lucky to have such a calm happy baby. My pregnancy was easy, my delivery wasn't horrendous, and my baby is amazing. I feel so blessed. Thank you to every one for your sweet calls, texts, and meals. Now for the fun part.....Pictures (beside the first three the rest of these are way out of order but i'm to busy to care)