This year has come and gone way fast, but we are loving every minute of it. Liam is almost 3 months old and is super smiley and giggly. He laughs for 5 minutes straight and we have no idea what he is laughing at. I'm loving every stage. Christmas eve he slept through the whole night! When we woke up Christmas morning I turned to Josh and said "have you been asleep all night? Because I have" we hurried and checked Liam to make sure he was ok, he was snoring and looked like he was really loving sleeping in. We ended up waking him up around 8 so we could get the day started. We had a great Christmas, and look forward to next year when Liam will understand it a little better! Sorry for the picture overload!
We took Liam to see Santa at Trolley Square. We waited in line for 20 minutes, Josh took a picture of Liam with Santa and didn't realize it was blurry so this was round two after waiting in line again. (still not a great picture)
Liam's Great Grandpa Giauque |
Cash loves playing with "the baby" |

Christmas Eve we went out to dinner at Asian Star with The Johnsons
Christmas Morning we went to church with The Browns, then had breakfast and opened presents afterwards.
I love these chubby thighs! |
Poor Chambers is in a neck brace, we thought it looked pretty funny when he tried on a helmet. |