
Look who got a haircut

It was about time for a haircut.  This kid has the wackiest hair patterns.




The damage



All I want for easter is my two front teeth

I keep singing that to Liam.  Where did my baby go?  I feel like I have a toddler.  I don't know how I will ever talk myself into having another baby because it has been almost six months and it feels like we just checked out of the hospital.  Liam's first tooth broke through March 2nd and only a few days later the second one came.  I didn't know what to do because teething and ear infections symptoms are Identical.  Being the paranoid person I am I rushed Liam into instacare only to have the doc tell me he looked great.  Unfortunately that morning I was feeding Liam and in a fit of rage he grabbed the spoon and popped himself in the eye.  A few hours later I noticed some blood pooling in his eye so the doc had to put some orange dye in it and hold up a black eye to check for a scratch.  Sure enough it was scratched and we have been doing anti-biotic drops.  Liam has become quite "mobile" he can spin in a 360 and roll across the room way to fast.  Most days we end up put him on his tummy encircled with toys so he can spin from one toy to the next.  He is trying to "crawl" he puts his tushy high in the air then tries to scoot himself with his face while his arms flop at his sides, it is quite entertaining.  He keeps saying "words" and yesterday when Josh said hi to him he said something that resembled "hiii daaa" but I might be understanding baby talk now because Josh heard goo gaaa.  Most nights I go in to check on Liam he is in a different corner of the crib with a foot or an arms resting on the bumper or through the slats.  We recently tried bananas and he HATED them.  Today I gave him applesauce and he made a pucker face and reached for the green beans.  Kid hates fruit.  Weird because that is all I ate when I was pregnant.  Onto the pictures....

Always so excited when I walk in in the morning

We have a gazillion chew toys, his favorite?  The baby basket

His feet are his new best friend

We have been trying to figure out the sippy cup

He sees it as another chew toy

St Pattys

Grady trying to get Liam to turn his head for the pic

Cute cousins

First tooth popping through

Liam takes after his dad and has had enough of the camera

One morning I had to wake him up to leave

So I went in and took pictures

At first his was like what the heck?

Then he realized it was me

Liam loves his aunt avey

On our way to the plastic surgeon

Two teeth

Oh...that hair