I have a very good reason for not updating the blog lately...Liam is in such a fun stage I can't stand not being with him every second playing! I have always enjoyed being a mom but right now I am in love with being a mom so much. Liam is starting to understand what we are saying to him and starting to respond in his own ways. When Josh asks "Liam are you ready for a nap?" or "Liam did you poop?" he shakes his head no. He is worlds fastest crawler and seems to find everything he is not supposed to get in to. The best part about it is he looks back to make sure I'm watching and gives me a "you can't catch me" look before jetting off. He is a master ignorer when he is feeling stubborn, and if you really want his attention you are going to really have to work for it. He loves feeding himself and can now pick things up with his pointer and thumb. He loves any and all food and if you eat in front of him and he can't have any he will smack and lick his lips the whole time. He started saying "dadadada" about a month and half ago. He is almost to "mamama". Liam is very social and loves when people smile and talk to him. We were at home depot talking to a friend and liam lunged out with his arms open demanding him to hold him. Liam loves his Uncles Charlie and Chambers and lights up whenever he sees them whether it's a picture or in person, they are so good with him it melts my heart to see teenage boys care so much about him. Liam loves my parents and when I drop him off on Mondays he doesn't even flinch when I leave, in fact last week I tried to get him from grandmas arms and he dug himself deeper into a hug (so sweet). Liam is starting to use a sippy cup (love this). We took him swimming for the first time and he loved it to say the least, we have a little fish on our hands. We have kept very busy this summer with This is the place baby animal petting zoo, wheeler farm, hikes, arts festival, and lots of stroller rides. Right now we are in Vegas and tonight Liam turned to Josh and intentionally planted a big wet one right on Josh s kisser it was so sweet I wanted to cry. He now leans in when I ask for a smooch. He likes to bonk his forehead into mine then shake it while our heads are touching. He loves anything he can talk into ie. olive garden kids cup, horn, sacrament cup. We "tango" a lot with aunty Avery and Liam lights up every time he see her. He tries to grab the phone and giggles every time she talks to him. We miss her and Matt terribly. Liam is now pulling himself up to standing and is not to far to walking. His top teeth poked through last month and the are so big and so cute. I bought him a toothbrush and it's his new favorite toy, we can't go anywhere without it. Liam loves spending time with Josh. They get to hangout all day Saturday while I'm at work. Last week I was coming inside and before I could get to the door I could hear Liam laughing hysterically. When I walked in they were "pillow fighting". Seriously Josh is the funnest and best dad, he works so hard and tries really hard to spend as much time as he can with Liam even when he is exhausted. I could go on and on about this cute kid but these are things that I did not want to forget. Liam you are such a good baby and we are crazy over you. You always entertain us and get cuter every day! We Love you baby!