Don't you worry, I'm totally joking. My amazing husband bought me a nook tablet for Christmas! I am still trying to get used to typing on it so excuse my errors. I haven't kept up on the blogging because our main desktop is in Liam's room and the only quiet time i get is when my busy angel is asleep. I will have to add pictures to this post later but i keep thinking of things i need to write down before i forget. I remember reading lots of books that always said how much kids like routine. Well I'm afraid Liam may have carried on my OCD gene. Poor Josh. Every time i am getting bath time ready this is Liam's strict routine. First he throws the bath soap bottle in, then he tests the water out with his hand, then he shuts the bathroom door, next he stands next to me and puts his arms above his head waiting to be undressed. I'm not kidding this happens exactly every bath time. When i am getting things out for dinner Liam follows me to make sure every drawer and cupboard get shut. Also when we are making his bottles he likes to be the one to open and close the microwave. Liam is definitely testing his limits and when i tell him no, or let's not play with that he likes to shake his head at me. Then just like his daddy, gives me kisses to make up for the trouble he has caused. Something a little disturbing but i feel i should document is when Liam gets mad or we take something away from him.....he hits his head on the nearest object. Sometimes it is his crib, or the floor, or my head. I have read a lot about it and it is common in boys, especially this age since he cant verbalize his feelings. Last week he had bruises all over his left arm and hand from hitting it with his mouth. We are working hard to teach Liam words. Right now he says dada, mama, yes, dog, and a whole lot of gibberish. On Mondays when my mom watches him i will say "do you want to go to grandmas"? and Liam grabs his blanket and literally sits by the front door waiting to leave. Liam is soo busy and such a boy. He doesn't sit still long enough to cuddle but boy can he give some amazing kisses!!! He also loves to tickle peoples feet, scare people, and he has a new thing where he sits down and starts leaning back slowly til he lays down, then laughs and laughs and does it again. The last few weeks he has started to love books a lot. He likes to flip through the pages and talk like he is reading. We are at a stage that is the busiest and most challenging so far but we love being parents.