We had another awesome photo shoot with Stacey Wall Photography when Colt was 1 week old. She always does such a great job and we are lucky she did one last shoot with us before she retires. Liam sat very still to get a couple solo shots but when the four of us sat down for a family picture he was done. We got ONE shot of him holding still and luckily it turned out great, Colt is crying, but the fact Liam is sitting still and smiling is huge. Then when we tried to get sibling shots Liam wanted nothing to do with it. Stacey gave Liam a little toy plane and he flew it over Colts face then was done. I felt deflated at the end of the night and worried it was all for nothing but then when she sent them to me I couldn't have been happpier. She did a great job at capturing Liams personality, even through the chaos. Here you go....
Halloween 2013
Liam loved Halloween this year! We went to a family Halloween party at Johnsons the week before and Liam thought it was so fun to see everyone dressed up.
On Halloween day Liam went trick or treating with Papa. He had so much fun. He would walk up to a house and say "trick treat" when they opened the door, then he would try to go into their house. He would choose a candy, say "sanks", and walk away yelling "buh bye"!! It was so entertaining to everyone. He truly is our little monkey!
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eating the banana of course |
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Liam on the left and Colt on the right |
Colts birth story
I want to make sure I write down Colts birth story before I forget. Some people might think it is weird but I love looking back at Liams and remembering things I had forgotten.
I wanted so badly to go into labor on my own but knew if he wasn't here by 40 weeks then I would be induced, by my own choice. Saturday October 12 I worked the busiest day trying to fit clients in before maternity leave. When I got home I was exhausted but could tell Josh and Liam had cabin fever from being home all day so we decided to go get some new shoes for Liam. My back was killing me so bad I couldn't even lift Liam. While we were at the store I felt so sick and had some sharp pains in my back. We were headed home and I started contracting. Like fist clenching contracting every 12 minutes which isn't that close together but I had never contracted like that before. We got home and got Liam in bed. I started timing my contractions and the pain was getting worse. I decided to get in the shower to see if the heat would help. My contractions got stronger and about 9 minutes apart. Josh was freaked out seeing me in so much pain and so he called the Dr who told us to head to the hospital. Josh called my parents to come over to be with Liam and my Dad and Josh gave me a quick blessing. We walked into the hospital with a big bag, and ready to give birth. Needless to say my contractions were not opening my cervix and they slowed down after an hour so they gave me an ambien and sent us home. I was a little embarrassed getting back into my clothes, walking past the nurses station, and passing the security guard on our way out. I guess my body had just over done it and I hadn't eaten or drank much that day.
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False Alarm |
We scheduled an induction for Tuesday October 22, my due date. The night before I was so emotional thinking we wouldn't be just the three of us anymore. I kept telling Liam "you will always be my baby" and that I loved him so much. We got cafe rio take out and my Dad and Josh gave me a more formal blessing. Josh blessed me that I would be comforted and that I would trust my doctors. It really eased my nerves. They wanted me to call at 6am to see if they were ready for me. I didn't sleep at all that night. I kept checking the time on my phone. We got ready that morning, dropped Liam off at his grandparents house, and checked in at 8:00 am.
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The night before we went to the hospital |
My nurse walked in as we were taking one final belly picture and she said we looked familiar, Josh let her know I was the "boy that cried wolf" the week before and she was our nurse then. The whole morning was pretty smooth, I got my iv of pitocin going, ate a Popsicle, watched price is right, and could feel my contractions progressing around 10:00 which was a lot quicker than with Liam. The nurse let me know that there were 6 other inductions and we were all around the same stage so when I start to think about my epidural tell her so that I can get in line for the anesthesiologist. At 11:00 I decided I would want it soon and the dr came in right then. As he was doing it three other women called for theirs and I was so glad I wasn't one of them waiting. I was at a three and Josh and I kept saying how much smoother things were this time around.
I had fun talking to my cute nurse about sister wives, hair products, and immunizations. We probably could be best friends but I thought it would be weird to give her my number, ha ha. Around 1:00 my Dr came in to break my water. It was so much fluid they couldn't even believe it which makes me so glad it didn't break at home. They told me I would probably start opening up a lot quicker now that it was broken. So we waited and waited....and waited. Slowly I got to a seven. Then I started feeling lots of pressure and was so excited that it was time to push! The nurse checked me and I still hadn't fully effaced. Then I started feeling more and more til we realized my epidural had worn off. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me a bigger dose and in ten minutes I was back in happy land. An hour later I was an 8 and fully effaced. It was around 8:00ish and I started feeling lots of pain again. They thought maybe he was posterior because when they asked what it felt like I said it felt like my insides were going to come out of my butt. The anesthesiologist gave me one last dose and let me know this was the best he could do. It worked for about ten minutes.
At 10:00 I was fully dilated and ready to push!! After an half hour of pushing I was totally out of energy. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in what felt like forever and I was sooo hot. They took my temp and I had a fever. I contracted an infection during labor and would need antibiotics as soon as I delivered. The nurse brought in a bar that connected to both sides of my bed put a sheet around the top bar so I could hold on to each end during pushes to help me push. At 11:30 I gave up on the bar and just pushed with everything I had. My epidural was fully worn off and I could feel everything. I was so exhausted that I couldn't even lift my legs so I had the nurse and Josh just hold my legs up in between pushes. I kept telling the nurse all I wanted was a diet coke, and she promised she would have one for me the second I delivered. They could see his head and he was stuck right on my pelvic bone. I was getting more and more tired by the second and couldn't even keep my eyes open. I kept asking the Dr to just reach in and grab him or do the vacuum. She called in a back up Dr and prepared to use the vacuum but was worried he was stuck and they would have to end up doing a c-section, which at the time sounded awesome to me. Then I started thinking how mad I would be if I went through all of this labor and work just to do a c-section. I kept praying that I could have the strength to push him out on my own and at 12:06 I got a burst of strength and pushed him out. It hurt so bad that I wasn't sure if he was coming out or if my body was on fire. I heard the doctor, nurse, and Josh get super excited and all the sudden they were putting the baby on my chest. I did it! It was such a relief. I kept telling Colt how happy I was he was finally here and kept thanking everyone. It was honestly one of the happiest moments I have ever experienced.
Since my epidural had worn off, and I tore pretty badly getting stitched up was not so fun. Luckily I had Colt in my arms and Just tried to focus on how amazing he is. He looked just like Liam to me when he came out. The nurse took him and they were worried because he wouldn't cry. He was very lethargic. His coloring was good at first but then he went super pale. They called the nicu and they came to check him out. I was so tired that the next few hours were kind of a blur. Josh went with Colt to get checked and all the sudden my room was quiet and calm. I text Josh and let him know I was headed to my room. Once I got there I got settled in at about 3 a.m. I ate a turkey sandwich, drank my diet coke (or two) and was sending texts to anxiously awaiting family to let them know. Josh came in and said that Colt was in the nursery and he was going to head home to be with Liam. The nurse brought Colt into my room for a couple hours then had to take him for some tests. I told her I would meet her at the nursery. When I walked down to the nursery I couldn't find Colt, the nurse there told me he was in the nicu and I was suddenly panicked not realizing what was going on with him. His temp was low along with his sugar levels. I walked in to find him hooked up to a monitor with an iv. It was terrifying and I kept wondering why no one had told me. Because of the infection I got during labor I had passed it along to him and they were doing antibiotics every few hours through an iv. It was so painful to watch him hooked up and miserable. Long story short, him and I had multiple rounds of antibiotics for 48 hours and we both fought it off pretty quick. I was so grateful for the prayers and love we received from family.
Liam came to visit us that afternoon. He walked in and was SO excited, I had no idea what to expect out of him. He brought his brother a little stuffed doggy and couldn't wait to hold his "baby coco" he kept giggling and saying "coco coco". He loved holding, kissing, and loving Colt. It was adorable and I'm so glad in was a smooth and easy transition.
We are so crazy about Colt. He is such a fun addition to our family. Being a Mom of two is tough, and I knew it would be, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's so crazy how fast time flies and now we are a family of 4 (plus Hendrix)! Every day is a learning experience and I have a feeling my two boys are going to give me a run for my money, for life!
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So bored during labor |
Since my epidural had worn off, and I tore pretty badly getting stitched up was not so fun. Luckily I had Colt in my arms and Just tried to focus on how amazing he is. He looked just like Liam to me when he came out. The nurse took him and they were worried because he wouldn't cry. He was very lethargic. His coloring was good at first but then he went super pale. They called the nicu and they came to check him out. I was so tired that the next few hours were kind of a blur. Josh went with Colt to get checked and all the sudden my room was quiet and calm. I text Josh and let him know I was headed to my room. Once I got there I got settled in at about 3 a.m. I ate a turkey sandwich, drank my diet coke (or two) and was sending texts to anxiously awaiting family to let them know. Josh came in and said that Colt was in the nursery and he was going to head home to be with Liam. The nurse brought Colt into my room for a couple hours then had to take him for some tests. I told her I would meet her at the nursery. When I walked down to the nursery I couldn't find Colt, the nurse there told me he was in the nicu and I was suddenly panicked not realizing what was going on with him. His temp was low along with his sugar levels. I walked in to find him hooked up to a monitor with an iv. It was terrifying and I kept wondering why no one had told me. Because of the infection I got during labor I had passed it along to him and they were doing antibiotics every few hours through an iv. It was so painful to watch him hooked up and miserable. Long story short, him and I had multiple rounds of antibiotics for 48 hours and we both fought it off pretty quick. I was so grateful for the prayers and love we received from family.
Liam came to visit us that afternoon. He walked in and was SO excited, I had no idea what to expect out of him. He brought his brother a little stuffed doggy and couldn't wait to hold his "baby coco" he kept giggling and saying "coco coco". He loved holding, kissing, and loving Colt. It was adorable and I'm so glad in was a smooth and easy transition.
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definition of the rest of our life. chaos. |
the world according to liam |
We are so crazy about Colt. He is such a fun addition to our family. Being a Mom of two is tough, and I knew it would be, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's so crazy how fast time flies and now we are a family of 4 (plus Hendrix)! Every day is a learning experience and I have a feeling my two boys are going to give me a run for my money, for life!
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