My not so baby Liam turned 18 months in April.
Every stage has been so fun, and this is too, but he is SO busy!
This kid does not slow down. He is very social and very talkative (mostly in a language that we don't understand).
My awesome Friend/Neighbor Annie was so nice to snap a few pictures of Liam for me a couple weeks ago. I think she caught all of his personality in just a few pictures.
His Likes:
Apples (ball)
Being chased
Any animal (living, picture, sound)
Showing us where things are
(Belly button, feet, hands, nose, ears, eyes, tongue)
Chap stick and Lotion(*)
Keys and or any button he can press
Binky and Blankie
Waving bye bye and blowing kisses
His dog (and giving him treats)
Talking on the phone
Waving bye bye and blowing kisses
His dog (and giving him treats)
Talking on the phone
Words he says:
See Ya
And Sounds:
*If he gets a hold of a chap stick or lotion he will hide and secretly eat it. If I don't see him in sight and can hear "mmmm" I know he has one of these two.
When we say a prayer we say "fold your arms", he does and then immediately puts his finger to his nose and shhhs everyone. Its adorable.
This last week he went to nursery for the first time. He did GREAT. We went to pick him up at the end of the second hour and he was having so much fun playing he didn't even notice me standing there calling his name. When I told him to say bye he blew his nursery leaders a kiss!
He has pretty much mastered the art of the tantrum. Last week I was sitting on the bed folding laundry and when he couldn't have something he wanted he threw him self on the floor in the hallway fake crying and whining. When he realized it wasn't budging me he walked away. A few minutes past and he was back. Staring at me til I looked up, then he lashed out another tantrum. This went on for about ten minutes. Then he was on to bigger and better things. Tantrums are hard. Luckily none have been in public, yet.
I am so happy that Liam is not attatched to me, it makes life easier going to work. But lately when I get home he jumps into my arms and rests his head on my shoulder and lets me snuggle him for a minute (which is pretty rare for Liam). Some days while we sit watching a show I ask to hold his hand and he is quick to grasp my hand so tight and not let go. I can't get enough of this little boy. I love his smell, I love his chubby soft skin, I love his kisses. He has me wrapped around his finger. I don't know what it will be like when we have more kids but I hope I can still get these few precious moments with him.