
Golf? Golf? Golf!

Have I mentioned before how OBSESSED Liam is with golf?  Josh is loving that Liam has fun going to the putting green with him and always gets his clubs, waits by the door, and says "golf? golf?".

My Grandpa Giauque, Liam's great grandpa made him some golf clubs a few months ago and ever since we have been "golfing" at least four times a week.  Now that the weather is warmer you can usually find Liam in our courtyard hitting balls.  Literally hitting.  He hasn't quite got the swing down yet, it's more of a hack.  He is so short and the clubs are so heavy that they kind of take over him but he refuses to play with plastic clubs or foam balls.

The first time Liam went golfing

Baby #2

We are SO excited to announce we are having baby number 2!  I am so behind in blogging that I feel like I've left this little guys debut out too long.  When I was pregnant with Liam I documented everything!  I'm sure my life will get busier and I will try my hardest to keep up on blogging.  Right now I am 19 weeks along, due October 22nd!  This picture was taken at 14 weeks when this little stinker decided not to let us hear his heartbeat we got a surprise ultrasound!

Just like my pregnancy with Liam I was very sick until about 12 weeks.  Being pregnant and still having to chase around a busy one year old and not being able to sleep in til ten is definitely a challenge but I am so thrilled to be expanding our family.

We found out it is a boy, but I knew all along.  The nurse asked me before the ultrasound if we had any guesses and I said "we already know it's a boy, I don't know why I am paying you, I already know."  Sure enough as soon as she waved the wand on this little guys behind I saw it before she did.  He is all boy!  We are so excited to have a little friend for Liam.  I think he will be a great big brother, even though he has no clue how much his world is about to be rocked!

This past week when I went to see my Dr. she told me she had some bad news for me, my heart sunk and I was terrified for what she had to say.  She said she wouldn't be here for the birth.  Relieved that it had nothing to do with the baby I asked her where she was going out of town to, she's not.  She is moving to Colorado and so I need to find a new doctor.  It's funny how easily I chose her with no recommendations and I felt so good about it and now I am having the hardest time choosing between three of her partners.  Luckily this time I found out at 18 weeks and not 38!