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I wanted to share something that I have been thinking about lately and it's something very personal that I wouldn't post any where else. This picture was taken moments after Colt was born. I was exhausted, I was angry, I was so incredibly happy, I was relieved, and I was so confused. After 18 long hours of labor, two of which were pushing. Colt finally made it! I look back now and I cry at this beautiful baby staring up at me. In that moment I was not as happy as I thought I would be. I loved Colt instantly, but I felt guilt. Guilt for having another baby, guilt for leaving Liam for so long, and guilt that I didn't feel insane joy in this moment. Most of the time in the hospital I thought about Liam. I wanted to get home to Liam. I wasn't fully consumed in this new baby. They told me I could stay til Friday morning. I begged my doctor to let me leave Thursday. The first few weeks were rough. Liam loved his brother so much. Liam didn't understand why I was SO tired. About a week into it Colt was so so fussy, abnormally fussy. I took him to the doctor and for the next month we tried so many things. He was treated for acid reflux, colic, no dairy, no caffeine, swaddling, rocking, sleeping on my chest. I was spent and felt even more guilt. I couldn't play with Liam as much as I wanted to. I wasn't the wife I wanted to be. My house wasn't as clean as I usually have it. Guilt. Fast forward to today. Colt is 3 months old and while I still sometimes feel guilt I mostly feel that insane joy I was longing to feel in the hospital. Having two kids is HARD. But now I feel so grateful Liam has a sibling and so incredibly grateful I have family and friends that have helped me get through the last couple months. I couldn't imagine our life without precious baby Colt! He is an amazing baby and his smile literally melts my heart into a puddle. Every day I am learning how to be a better mom, better wife, better person. But I am also learning that it is OK to have baskets of unfolded laundry. It's OK that some days we change from pjs to pjs. I am so HAPPY with who I am right now and I am even happier we have another beautiful baby boy!