Oh my goodness. This kid. He has us in stitches 100% of the time! Here are some of my favorites lately...
(with hands on his hips) "Mom, I'm starving. I need food and a diet coke RIGHT NOW!"
After putting him to bed he likes to stall. One night he said "mom wait! I forgot to tell you I love you!"
then last night he said "mom sing child of god with me"
He likes to say goodbye to everything before bed (kills time) "goodnight toys, goodnight pictures, goodnight hendrix, goodnight walls, goodnight door."
One night I got into his crib with him to read books, when I got out he said "mom you are really big" made me smile.
He likes to pick up his fake phone and call people (namely his frenemy cousin Izzy)
"Hi izz, you don't hit me OK?" then "Hi, izz you are my best friend"
"Hi Grandma Papa zzzzaa zzzaa zzzaa OK bye"
"Hi fire sam, my mom, a fire, OK, bye"
When he drops something he says "whoopsie daisy"
and he likes to say "holy cow" for everything.
He is having troubles figuring out which order words go so instead of "scoot me back" he says "scoot back me" or "put me down" is "put a down me"
He is also having a hard time saying m. So he says hanner and Chaners.
He loves singing happy birthday to everyone
Last week there was a huge fire on the news and Liam being fireman and truck obsessed said "whoa fires are SO COOL" I corrected him and said no fires are dangerous. So when we introduced him to someone a few days later he said "Hi fires are dangerous"
Then one morning I said it was time for breakfast and Liam said "mom breakfast is dangerous"
Josh had a high school friend come and visit and Liam had so much fun playing with him. When Liam woke up the next morning he said "mom where is Josh's friend?"
When I drop Liam off at my parents house to go to work I say OK bye and Liam says "Bye Chels"
When i put his seat belt on he says "seat belts so we can be silly? nooo. Seat belts so we can be crazy? nooo. Seat belts so we can be funny? noo. Seat belts so we can be safe!"
Liam has this funny thing he does called "tippy toe jump" and we do it every night before bed. He holds my hand, tippy toes to the stairs then jumps to the next stair then tippy toes and jumps every single stair.
His favorite book right now is where the wild things are and we read it at least 4 times a day, i have it memorized. Liam likes when i pause at certain spots so he can say "be still" and "waved goodbye" and "it was still hot"
I'm sure I will have more to add for another day, but for right now we are just loving the fun stage Liam is in!!