
My new obsession...

Remember my ruffle bum cover if I was having a
girl...well I have forgotten all about it because of this...

I have been so stressed about how I'm going
to decorate the nursery (let's face it girl stuff is SOOO
much cuter).

I have an old antique dresser in the nursery that we will use for the baby
and it is my favorite piece.  I started brain storming what would
go along good with that.  Maybe I'm crazy but I'm obsessed with sock monkeys!
I found the cutest bedding, fabric, and decor online.

Then I ran across this little guy.  Then I ran across
birthday party ideas, yep I'm already thinking about his first birthday.

I could just die at how cute all the little sock monkey things are.
I can't wait to put together his nursery!!!!


21 weeks

Here I am, 21 weeks and 5 days.  My jeans are getting snug at the belly
and I'm starting to look like its not just a food baby.

Best remedy for heartburn?  Yep I got it.
Dottera Lemon oil. Rub it on your chest and heartburn instantly goes away.

Names?  Not decided, we are still debating.

We went to the doctor and she was trying to find the heartbeat, every time
she found it he moved.  She said it is one of the wiggliest babies she's seen.

He got the hiccups the other night, it was so weird and first I thought it
was muscle spasms but after feeling the rhythm I recognized it.

About a year ago I found these shoes at target and HAD to buy them!  
If you know Josh, you know these are the only kinds of shoes he
will wear.  So excited to use them!

Some of our family has given us little blue outfits and socks and hats
and I looked at them the other day going oh my gosh, my baby is going to be 
wearing these in a few months.  

And we bought a crib!!!


It's a BOY!!

Yesterday I got the best birthday present ever!!  I got to watch my little baby squirm around!!  About an hour before it hit me that we would be finding out what we were having and I got super nervous and the butterflies (plus I had to have a full bladder).  After waiting way to long go into the ultrasound (Josh fell asleep in the waiting room, I had to explain to him that doctors are just like hairstylists...if you want them to be on time you don't schedule at the end of the day,) we finally got to go to the ultrasound room. 

 Josh of course wanted a BOY and at first I really wanted a GIRL but I realized as long as it is healthy I'm happy!!  Our tech was so sweet, the first pic she showed us our baby was covering his ears, Josh told her he is getting used to covering his ears since I swear all the time. (ha,ha...not true)

I was so overwhelmed with happiness just watching "it" move like crazy.  I told her wow "it" is moving so much...she said yes SHE is!!  Oh my goodness it's a girl?  I turned to Josh are you sad???  It's a girl!!!!!!  YAY!!!!

Then I saw her grab her mouth and say this has never happened before...then I saw this on screen...

I made sure she double checked.  She felt so bad, I wasn't mad I just wanted to make sure it didn't have both parts!!!  I looked over at Josh again and he had the biggest grin on his face!!  "It" is definitely a boy.  We are so excited!!  Now I have no excuses but to get the nursery started!!  

Oh and for those who asked...we don't have a name, we only had a girl name.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and congrats!!!  We are so blessed to have such caring friends and family!


19 weeks/Guess the sex

If your sick of hearing all about pregnancy...
don't read my blog.

Things i've learned in the past week.

ALWAYS eat food with your prenatal vitamin

You might be super happy one second, and in tears the next.

Naps are essential.

Adding cocoa butter to my morning routine.

Accepting the fact your husband tells you your starting to "poke out".

At first I wanted a girl, this past week I changed my mind.  Boys
sound easier.  I will be happy no matter what.
(although who can resist a ruffled bum?)

The baby kicks me while I work so I lose my train of thought often.

One week from this minute we find out what "it" is!!!
What's your guess???


Happy Like Jesus

No I'm not bragging...it's the title of the book I'm reading.

We were at dessert book last week and Josh was reading a book so I browsed and the front of this book caught my eye.  I love this picture!  Jesus and John the Baptist are so happy.  I sat down and started reading the introduction.  It summarized all the suffering and trials Christ went through and how his attitude and perspective were so positive through it all.
I sat there thinking wow sometimes I can be so negative and
I have so many positive things in my life i forget to focus on.  I'm not blogging to tell everyone that I'm this awful person and you shouldn't be friends with me but after thinking about my weaknesses I'm realizing that I have some serious places in my life that need improvement.  Sometimes I don't even try to be negative it just becomes a habit.  Sometimes it's so easy to draw out another
persons flaws instead of think about their strengths.  I'm sure by now I've lost half my readers after they saw this is about a book, but I feel like I need to write down and admit that I'm not perfect.  I'm trying everyday to reverse
the negativity that can so quickly fill my day.  I'm not far into the book yet but every chapter is on a "beatitudes" (beautiful attitudes).  I'm noticing myself catch myself before i spread something i heard about someone else, or not complaining if i have to do something i don't want to.  Last night Josh fell asleep on the couch after a long stressful day and I noticed myself wondering if he was comfortable so I got his pillow and threw a blanket over him.  I'm sure he probably didn't notice but doing that little thing for him made me feel happy.  In the past couple days I've tried to keep a more positive attitude, and while it's not easy and I have a very long attitude recovery road ahead of me,  I already feel closer to Christ by trying to follow in his footsteps.